History of Art Class: Set 4 - Starts 16th April - Caravaggio, Rossetti, Matisse, Roger Fry
Wednesday evenings 6 - 7.00 pm
16th April: Caravaggio & tenebrism
23rd April: Dante Rossetti & Jane Morris
30th April: Matisse ~ Le Bonheur de Vivre
7th May: Roger Fry & the Omega Workshops
The Green Room in The Painswick Centre, GL6 6QQ
Wednesday evenings 6 - 7.00 pm
16th April: Caravaggio & tenebrism
23rd April: Dante Rossetti & Jane Morris
30th April: Matisse ~ Le Bonheur de Vivre
7th May: Roger Fry & the Omega Workshops
The Green Room in The Painswick Centre, GL6 6QQ
Wednesday evenings 6 - 7.00 pm
16th April: Caravaggio & tenebrism
23rd April: Dante Rossetti & Jane Morris
30th April: Matisse ~ Le Bonheur de Vivre
7th May: Roger Fry & the Omega Workshops
The Green Room in The Painswick Centre, GL6 6QQ